Most of my projects are in the categories photography ↪, time-lapse and websites. So that’s where you’ll find them. There’s not much of late, mostly due to changes in my professional and private life.
Professional Website (2017)
Deciding to work as Freelance Agile Coach required a more professional website than this one. So that’s what I built. Still using WordPress, I created the professional site and use it as central location for all thoughts around Agile as well. Check it out: ↪
Wedding Congratulations from Japan (2015)
Here’s a little something I created right after travelling to Japan in early 2015, missing an Istanbul wedding of two friends: Re-Launch (2014)
Finally a web project again! The first responsive site I ever created (not counting my own front page here). Read more.
Personal Homepage (2013)
Inspired by Dash, I created a new version of my website from scratch. Amazing how easy things have become with HTML5 and CSS3. Well… Maybe that only holds true for projects as easy as this site.
Personal Homepage (2009)
Project done with Google App Engine. Read more.
Projects during studies (2004-2008)
When you’re studying at a University of Applied Sciences you’re doing a lot of projects! Some of them are listed here.