Projects during my studies in Media and Computing

The projects you can see here hugely differ in scope: A Multimedia project for example has been way more challenging and much more effort than most of the other projects. Some projects during my studies had been individual projects, while others had been done in teams of 2-5 people.

file_pdf Diploma thesis – Agile Project Management with Projektron BCS

My thesis clarifies the increasing importance of agile software development and project management (PM) processes. Motivated by this tendency it is being examined how far it is possible to apply these agile processes with the PM-software Projektron BCS. An overview of project management in general, agile PM and Scrum in particular establishes the basis for further research. After Projektron BCS is being introduced, its application to an agile environment is analyzed. Based upon the resulting requirements a concept is developed. The aim of this concept is strengthening the support of Projektron BCS for agile processes.

The thesis has by now (2018) been published on GRIN and is available as eBook.

file_swf Authoring Systems

The task was to create something interactive using Macromedia Flash (it’s been a while). We decided to create a Sudoku using pictures and video- and audio snippets. Work was fairly distributed: One used Adobe Premiere to create audio and video snippets of some movies (basically The Matrix) while the others programmed a Sudoku algorithm in ActionScript and put it together in a nice Flash client. In the final game you had to combine 3 pictures, 3 videos and 3 audio snippets in each row, column and magic square.

file_html CGI & Animations

Using Java and OpenGL we created a 3D landscape generated of a two-dimensional array of vectors. One could configure the height of the trenches even while moving (flying) through the landscape. The landscape was expanded while the user passed it by (and dropped “behind” him). Planning to implement mousehandlers later and experiment with position sensing and click tracking we let some spheres rise within the users field of view. These should have been “shot” by clicking on them, but this feature has never been implemented. (See the Project documentation.)

file_pdf Digital Video Technology

In our unlimited creativity we just didn’t know what topic to choose to create a film. Inspired by the famous Peter Lustig quote “Klingt komisch, ist aber so.” (rough translation: “Sounds strange, but it’s like that.”) we decided to create a training film on how to disassemble a PC system and how to put it together again. The video editing tool of our choice was Adobe Premiere. The result was quite a funny, self-ironic film which showed the possible pitfalls of hardware upgrades and modding. And besides that: Our score could have coped with a Hollywood movie and our outtakes were a milestone in the history of comedy. (See the synopsis, story board and script.)

file_swf Distributed Systems

Somehow in Distributed Systems we managed not having to create a project that measures the actual bandwidth of Cat. 3, 10BASE-T ethernet cables and praise the innovations of much better Cat. 6a, 10GBASE-T cables! Instead of that we created an interactive Flash presentation that was all about the human eye, our sense of sight and our perception. The Flash movie shows the principles of how we see and how our brain sometimes cheats on us. (See the interactive presentation.)

file_pdf Multimedia project 1

The first of two Multimedia projects was all about a camera that could rotate 360? and roll 180? and thus covered half the sphere. Controlled remotely a user could use it to take pictures of the surrounding and create one huge panorama picture of the camera’s surrounding! (Read the entire documentation.)

file_swf Multimedia project 2

Our 2nd Multimedia project had a hardware component, too. Furthermore it had a huge acting and filming as well as video editing part. Having green screen and a gorilla costume we used Adobe Premiere to create lots of funny “gorilla does this and that” clips (we had a laser sword!!!). For background action we filmed in the Berlin Zoo. Then came the hardware component: A fellow student of mine took a baby doll of his daughter and added some magnetic sensors into hands, feet and mouth. Rotation sensors were assembled into legs and shoulders. Eventually our Flash client knew the positions of arms and legs. With a magnet in a plastic banana you could now use the Voodoo gorilla doll. Putting the magnetic banana at the appropriate places of the gorilla triggered the Flash video clips (mouth? gorilla ate banana, hands? gorilla playing guitar and much more depending on the combination used). While standing in awe facing the other teams not less impressing results, we possibly had the most funny presentation. (Try yourself and see the version with keyboard input activated here.)

file_html Software-Engineering

In our course of Software Engineering we’ve been quite close to real B2B software project. The topic was a car sharing agency. We placed an offer, set up a contract, defined system functions and system design as well as class diagrams and class specifications. The result was a working prototype, the technical and user documentation and a glossary. (All of that can be checked here.)

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